Dark days of Diabetes!

There are some gloomy days in life of a person with diabetes, when we are absolutely exhausted and want to go back to our life, before diabetes happened to us. It is usually known as ‘Diabetes Burnout’.  I’m writing this blog on behalf of all my fellow T1Ds, knowing the fact that each one of…

Learning from a Hill station!

This was a lifetime experience for me which taught me an entirely new lesson about my diabetes, which I was deprived of my whole life. Earlier this year, we were to a hill station, during winters and our journey was by road there. The distance of our destination was around 2000 kilometers from our place,…

Women and Diabetes

This was two weeks ago, that I got a call from this lady who was very much concerned about her 20 years old daughter and her fluctuating blood sugar levels. As our conversation started, she told me that her present concern was her daughter’s high blood glucose (BG) levels after her menstrual cycle was over…

LASIK and Type 1 Diabetes!

As we all T1Ds know, that going for any of the small or major medical procedures, first thing that comes to our mind is – ‘Is that really necessary?’ Or ‘Is it advisable for us?’,  as we people are really afraid of the consequences, whether its a small extraction of tooth or any other major…

How your eyes behave in summers?

I don’t know about my fellow T1D’s experience, but there is a small change that I always observe during summers every year and that is a slight ‘Blurred vision’.  At first, when we hear or experience blurry vision, the first thing that comes to our mind is, that something is very wrong with our eyes…